In light of Malcolm's last post (Happy 5 Years), there are just a few things that I want to say.
Firstly, and probably sounding a little bit cliché, it is hard to accept how fast time goes by sometimes. It feels like just yesterday that Malcolm and I met and hit it off almost instantaneously. It's funny, in a way... there are things about the beginning of our relationship that I can picture quite clearly (like some clothes that we wore on the first few days that we met one another, watching Malcolm play ultimate frisbee during the first few weeks, the first few movies we watched and how those moments felt, etc), but then there are other things that I wish I could remember in full detail but just can't. For example, I wish I could remember in detail the first MSN conversation we had; or the first serious conversation we had in person; or maybe even the first time it felt "normal" to hug or hold hands. That all being said, I know that whichever way these things happened, it has led us to where we are now; and so I'm thankful for every moment no matter how much or how little of each one I can remember.
Before I get too deep into analyzing relationships, love and the likes, I just want to thank Malcolm for being there; I consider myself lucky and am greatful for the feelings we still share (and will hopefully share for a *long* time to come). :))
Ich Liebe Dich, Mein Schatz.

Two of the very first pics ever taken of us back in 2004. The first one was actually taken about two weeks after we first started dating, and it was the very first picture ever of the two of us. :)